About Us

We want to create millions of new angel investors Our goal is to increase the GDP of Nigeria. We believe the more angel investors there are, the more innovation happens, and the wealthier our society becomes.

We want to help fund tens of thousands of founders, all backed by early investors who believe in their vision. We are just getting started.

We're currently working on making it prestigious for even VC-backed startups to raise a Community Round - so their users, customers, and passionate fans can invest alongside venture capitalists and other wealthy well-networked insiders.

Our ultimate goal is to make it normal for startups to raise on ROI NG in a "mini-IPO" before they file for a "real IPO". We want to re-create the market of the 1990s, when investors could get liquidity in a few years - not over a decade.

Get equity and front row seats to the startups and small businesses you love for as little as 50,000 naira.